This week we observe the Second Sunday after the Epiphany. The liturgical color is green to represent spiritual growth. It is also Sunday before MLK Day; the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities.
The Epiphany is the official end of the Christmas Season and comes 6 days into a new year. It’s a time we tend to project the high aspirations of the things we want to accomplish during this New Year. Too often such lofty expectations and aspirations soon give way to routines of daily life that pushes them to the back burner. Never to become a reality in our lives.
This also happens to us spiritually. Experiencing an Epiphany of the light of God’s unconditional love; we are inspired with high aspirations and plans for spiritual growth in developing our relationship with God. Too often this gives way to the routine of daily life; only to find we have pushed the priority of our relationship with God to the back burner.
I Corinthians 1:9 (CEB) states, “God is faithful, and you were called by God to partnership with God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Perhaps if we realize that the light of God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance is intended to lead us into being Christ’s disciples, we will turn our high aspirations into a reality that last.
Maybe that was the deeper meaning of Jesus’ response in the assigned Gospel text from John 1, when two of them asked Jesus, “Rabbi, where are You staying;” and Jesus said, “Come and See.” It was the beginning of them getting busy on the active list of Jesus’ disciples. It’s an invitation Jesus is still extending to us today.
Join us for worship this Sunday at Covenant. My sermon will be “The Light; A New Beginning & Now What? … Get Busy on the Active List” based on “I Corinthians 1:1-9” and “John 1:35-42.