Sunday will be the Third Sunday after Pentecost. It is also Pridefest in Central Alabama. I encourage as many of you as can and desire to do so, let’s go and join in the festivities for this wonderful event for our community.
On Tuesday, I had 3 conversations that resulted in a common thread in my response to each of them. So, instead of using one of the assigned lectionary texts, I’m using a passage of scripture to which I felt led by the spirit. In it, Apostle Paul admits, and I paraphrase, “I don’t have it all together. I haven’t reached the goal God has for my life yet. I’m pressing toward it.” Then, Paul offers this word of encouragement. “… Let us hold fast to what we have attained.” Some of what we have attained is the wonderful knowledge and best of Good News that God loves us, forgives us, and accepts us.
So, when we are faced with setbacks, challenges, and circumstances trying to keep us from our goals, remember as F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Never confuse single defeat with final defeat.” In other words, “Don’t Stop Believing!”
Join us this Sunday in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube, before going to Pridefest. My sermon is “Don’t Stop Believing!” It is based on “Philippians 3:12-16.”