Updated June 30th  2022

Covenant Community Church

A United Church of Christ Congregation

41 Years  of  Offering  Hope  †  Showing  Faithfulness  †  Sharing  Joy


September 29, 2022

Dear Covenant Members and Friends,

We have continued to monitor the status of COVID in our area. Jefferson and Shelby counties are considered at low community infection levels defined by the CDC. St. Clair, Blount, and Walker Counties are showing a medium risk. In low-risk communities, the CDC recommends staying up to date on COVID vaccines and being tested if you have symptoms of COVID infection.


Layered prevention strategies like staying up to date on vaccines and wearing masks can help prevent infection spread. People can wear masks anytime they want, but masks are recommended in some indoor settings and may be required in other places by local or state authorities. In addition, persons with underlying health conditions that make them more susceptible to COVID infection should consider wearing a mask around other people.


The Covenant Board of Directors discussed mask-wearing inside the United Church Center at our September 27th meeting and decided to make mask-wearing optional based on current infection rates and the CDC’s risk level for Jefferson County. But, of course, everyone is welcome to mask at their discretion, and we will continue to provide masks at the main UCC entrance.


As always, the health of our members, visitors, and staff is a priority. Therefore, we will monitor the situation closely and change policy as needed. For more information, please consult the CDC’s website at cdc.gov or your local health department.


Love in Christ,


Michael Bowen, Clerk

Covenant Board of Directors