NOTE FROM PASTOR J R FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 2016 The Light for Our Turnaround in 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’m still away on a much needed vacation of rest for this Holiday Season. However, I will be back in the pulpit this Sunday and I didn’t want to miss bringing you a New Years greeting.

This Sunday is, of course, the first Sunday of a new year. It also happens to be the Sunday we will observe “The Epiphany of Our Lord” commemorating the Magi coming to see the Christ Child, lead by the light of a star and then receiving an Epiphany to return home by a different route.


The word “epiphany” means ‘a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.’ My hope is that you will have an “epiphany” of what regular worship with a family of faith can do for you in 2016 and then make that one of your New Year’s resolutions.

If we all resolve to attend church more regularly this year, I believe we can change the lives of our community and impact our city and world in wonderful ways. I promise to make every effort for Covenant to have a turnaround in 2016 to help that become a reality. Together, we can make 2016, and our lives, divinely inspired works of grace as ‘an inclusive community of faith ~ Offering Hope + Showing Faithfulness + Sharing Joy.’

So join us in worship on this first Sunday of 2016. I will be preaching a sermon called “The Light for Our Turnaround in 2016” using the lectionary assigned texts for “The Epiphany of Our Lord Sunday,” Ephesians 1:3-14, and John 1:1-14.

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