Covenant’s Lighthouse Adult Study Group.

We meet each Sunday from 10:30 to 11:00 to take a deeper dive into the lessons and parables taught in the Bible.

In addition to the Bible, we read books by writers who are interested in walking the Christian path in a way that brings more light into the world. Writers who are blessed with the gift of speaking to the common woman and man while conveying deep truths and deep faith. Examples of some of the books we’ve studied in the past are:

Currently we are doing a review of Psalms.

Some of us also take turns leading Lighthouse (which is a blessing), and some of us just participate in the discussion (which is also a blessing!)

If you would like to join us either as you can, or on a regular basis, you are very welcome. Feel free to reach out to Carol Dawkins.


Glenn’s Reading Room


Will be meeting the 1st and 3rd Saturday at 2:30 in person or via Zoom.  The purpose of Glenn’s reading room is to discuss various books as a group. You don’t have to have come to previous meetings. If you are interested contact Judy Hand-Truitt

Covenant Connections

Here at Covenant we strive to provide varied ways to connect with members and the community. During this covid-19 pandemic many of our usual offerings have been put on hold. We are trying to provide videos and zoom services to help fill the gap. During the Holiday seasons of Nov. and Dec. we are putting out videos made by members featuring cooking and crafting ideas. These are being placed on our Facebook page and group.

Faith in Action Alabama

The mission of Faith in Action Alabama is “to honor God by achieving systemic change through faith-based community organizing to create pathways of opportunity for all Alabamians.” Faith in Action is a statewide interfaith, interracial faith-rooted organization that seeks to build and wield power to ensure that public decisions at the local and state-level honor the dignity of all people, especially the marginalized.

Covenant participates in Faith in Action because it is a prophetic catalyst, countering a narrative that drives systemic racism and other forms of structural injustice and blocks pathways to opportunity across race lines for low- and moderate-wealth families in Alabama. Love for God, neighbor, and stranger anchor the organization.

Faith in Action Alabama operates with congregational hubs in Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, and Montgomery. This interfaith, interracial organization is committed to shared leadership using a collaborative leadership model.

For more information on how to become involved with Faith In Action Alabama, reach out to Pete Tepley.