This Sunday is the first day of a new liturgical season, Kingdomtide.  Whereas the Sundays After Pentecost emphasize spiritual mission, (getting people to have and develop a relationship with God), Kingdomtide stresses living out our faith of loving God in practical ways through charity and assistance to the poor.

          To properly prepare us to make this transition, the assigned text this Sunday begins in Ephesians 6:10-11 saying, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in God’s mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  As I read those words, my mind made a connection between the armor of God and the power of superheroes and superheroines in the comics, TV shows and movies.

          Have you ever noticed that super beings were the alter egos of “normal” people?  When not in their super persona and outfits, they wore regular street clothing, going about their lives.  Superman was Clark Kent, a newspaper reporter.  Batman was Bruce Wayne, a wealthy philanthropist, mentoring protégé Dick Grayson, (aka his side kick, Robin).  Wonder Woman was Diana Prince, originally an army nurse, later a military intelligence officer.  In their alter egos each shed the daily life identities to become their superhero or superheroine self.  That’s when their full power became obvious, evidenced even by their attire.

          “Being strong in God” and “putting on the whole armor of God” is NOT intended to make us into super “Christians” different from who we are in our daily lives.  NO, it is intended to do for us what bionics did for “Steve Austin” and “Jaime Sommers.”  After life has dealt us crushing blows where it seems we are broken, battered and unable to go on; “the armor of God” is meant to give you the power needed to live fully into again, the life God created for you and occasionally seeing the power of God use us in incredible ways we may have thought impossible.

          Join us at Covenant for worship in-person, by Zoom or Facebook livestream for more in my sermon “Be Strong in God,” based on “Ephesians 6:10-20.”

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