This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. It is observed on the Western Christian liturgical calendar the first Sunday after Pentecost. It celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the person of God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It’s interesting that this year it is commemorated on the American observance of Father’s Day.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m an extreme “Mama’s Boy.” But you might be surprised to know that I had a terrific Father and I also had a great relationship with my Dad. Jack Finney, my Father, died 2 days before my birthday in 1995. So I celebrate and honor him this Father’s Day; as well as all Dads and those serving in paternal roles.

One of my favorite memories of my Dad was his insistence that no matter who the guest was in our home, his children and any other children there always ate first. It was my Father’s way of showing the priority his children held in his life. Metaphorically, the Trinity is God’s way of demonstrating the priority of us as “His” children. God cares so much about us that God chose more than 3 ways to reveal God’s self to us. Psalms 8:3-4 asks, “When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars that You have established, what are human beings that You are mindful of them, mortals that You care for them?” The Trinity answers the question why God cares for us. In each manifestation of God, (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), in every act of the Divine, they are acts of grace toward us as God’s children “Offering Hope.” So, on this Trinity Sunday and Father’s Day, we each are a priority to which God extends to us hope. And let us remember that this “Hope Makes It All Work Together” in our lives.

Join us for worship this Father’s Day at Covenant. My sermon will be “Hope Makes it All Work Together,” based on Romans 5:1-5

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