One of the ultimate realities that challenge practically every person at some point is the question, “Do I matter to God?” Oh, we are not really confronted or bothered by this question during the high peaks and good times of life. But it’s a question that seems to be ever present when we find ourselves in the valleys of life; especially during the tough times when we are dealing with loss, with death, when we are sick, or lose our job or someone we love. Those are the times this question, “Do I matter to God” tends to continuously gnaw at us emotionally.

The assigned text this week is Psalm 8, one of my favorites. It begins and ends with recognition of the greatness of God, “O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!” However, in the middle of it, it addressed this question “Do I matter to God?” In verses 4 & 5 David writes, “What is man that You are mindful of him, and the children of humans that You do care for them? For You have made them a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned them with glory and honor.” This passage should remind us, as it did David that we really do matter to God! In this Psalm, no doubt David was referring back to Genesis 1:26 where God created humans in God’s image and likeness. The late renowned Old Testament scholar Dr. H. C. Leupold said, “Nowhere is “human” dignity asserted more clearly and boldly than in this passage.”

Join us at Covenant this Sunday for worship and be refreshed with a message that reaffirms to each of us “You Matter to God!” My sermon title is ‘“What is Man?” or “A little Lower Than Angels!”’ It’s based on Psalm 8.

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