Luke 10:38-42
Romans 12:7
Acts 6:7
Titus 3:14
Gal 6:2 & 10
DEFINED: The special ability God gives to certain members of
the body to identify unmet needs and make use of available
resources to meet those needs
- Willing to employ physical energy
- Will stick to task until completion, even if he/she must
forfeit personal pleasures
- Very task-oriented
- Possess good attitude
- Need recognition or validation
- Like projects that yield immediate results
- Usually well organized
- Make sure God has called you to do the task
- Do your work as unto the Lord
- Keep your priorities straight
- Be careful not to interfere with God’s dealings with others
CURRENT EXAMPLES: How your gift may be put to use. . .
- Officers
- Ushers
- Nursery Coordinators
- Projects for Homeless, Migrant Workers, Youth/Elderly
- Librarian
- Building Committee
- Carpenters