I Cor 12:28
Acts 20:35
Luke 10:40
DEFINED: The spirit given ability to serve in a support role
to enable others in ministry to increase their effectiveness
- Desires to help others
- Usually very unselfish because they like to help
- Find great joy in freeing those in leadership to accomplish greater goals
- Do not require great amounts of recognition for their efforts
- Beware of too much busyness
- Don’t use gift of helps as a means of avoiding
discovering and using other gifts
- Do not confuse gift of Helps with Gift of Mercy
- Learn to say “no” so you won’t burn out
- May become so much a “helper” that you forget how to receive
CURRENT EXAMPLES: How your gift may be put to use. . .
- Copying/collating/filing
- Photography
- Computer input work
- Hand work
- Bookkeeping
- Bulk mailings
- Bulletin stuffing
- Phone work for any ministry in need