Eph 4:11-14
II Timothy 4:5
Acts 8:5-6
Acts 14:21
Acts 21:8
DEFINED: The ability to share the gospel with unbelievers in
such a way that men and women become Jesus’ disciples and
responsible members of the Body of Christ.
- Doesn’t stay in one place; moves about
- Is interested in unbelievers
- Tells the “good news” about the kingdom of God and
Jesus Christ
- Produces believers
- Is focused
- Has a winsome approach which is relaxed and nonthreathening
- Primary goal and focus is to win people to Christ
- Do not try to convince every Christian that he/she has
to be an evangelist
- Be careful not to make others feel guilty if they do not
possess the gift
- Do not deny your gift, use it
CURRENT EXAMPLES: How your gift may be put to use. . .
- Giving testimonies
- Sharing books or Bibles
- Assisting evangelistic organizations
- Giving offerings to assist evangelistic work
- Visiting unchurched or unsaved
- Involved with evangelistic programs to prisons