I Cor. 12:10-28
Eph. 4:11-14
Romans 12:6
Luke 7:26
Acts 15:32
Acts 21:9-11
DEFINED: The special ability to understand God’s revelation and
interpret it to others.
- Demonstrated in preaching
- Faithfully studies God’s Word
- May be used in writing
- Prophecy motivated people are very frank and direct verbally
- Are not afraid to point out weaknesses
- Are eager to have their weaknesses pointed out
- Protective of God’s program
- Want to see outward evidence of change
- Speak the truth in love
- Guard against rigidity
- Be patient with new believers
- Prophecy is not fortune telling
CURRENT EXAMPLES: How your gift may be put to use. . .
- Church School Teacher
- Preacher
- Writer of Sunday School Curriculum; magazine articles;
books, school newspaper
- Film maker – Christian films
- Public Speakers