This Sunday will be the “Ninth Sunday After Pentecost.”  It is also the Sunday before my 70th Birthday, which will be Friday, July 26.
          The assigned Psalm reading for this Sunday is Psalms 23, probably the most familiar of all the Psalms.  It includes this wonderful line of comfort, “You restore my soul.” (3)
          I read a story about a powerful and successful businessman, the kind who makes decisions easily but always drove a hard bargain.  One day the man’s son was chatting with their pastor and shared this story.  He said, “I was in the army and made a terrible mistake.  I got into trouble and was given a dishonorable discharge.  I knew I had brought disgrace to my family.  I was certain my father would be outraged.  But I owed it to my father to tell him what happened and try to ask for forgiveness.  So, I did.  I sent a telegram to him explaining what had happened.  My Dad sent a return telegram with 3 sentences in it.  ‘I will stand by you no matter what happens.  I will be there in the morning.  Remember who you are.’”
          I’m sure it was a message that was restoring to that young man’s soul.  God desires to do the same for us.  No doubt the father was disappointed, and his heart was broken, but the loving, caring relationship they had wasn’t!  That’s the kind of relationship God desires to have with us and the kind of restoration of our souls God wants us to experience.
          So, join us for worship this Sunday, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube.  My sermon’s goal is to help us have a restoration of our souls.  It’s titled “Helpful Hints from Someone Turning 70,” based on “Psalms 23.”

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