This Sunday is the “Eighth Sunday after Pentecost.” The summer season’s heat has been sweltering. It’s been too hot to spend any length of time outdoors enjoying God’s beautiful creation around us. A good pool party sounds like just the right event during this hot stretch to make this heat bearable. Join us if you can for the pool party Saturday.
The political climate in America is also too hot these days for many to enjoy being who God has created us to be. That’s because too many politicians, religious zealots advocating Christian Nationalism, and even the Supreme Court is trying to make it too hot for too many of us to live our lives in wholeness. So, the assigned scripture for this Sunday from Ephesians 1 seems to be the right words to cool the temperature of our lives with God’s love. It’s what many of us need to enjoy living fully as the creations God intended for us to be. Reading this passage from the First Nation’s Version, An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament was very refreshing to me. It helped me have a “Fresh Eyes Perspective on The Greatness of God’s Love.” It just might be the thing needed to help us cool down individually from the hot temper of hate, intolerance and condemnation too many of us feel that is currently heating up temperature of our society.
Join us in worship this Sunday, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube. I hope it will do the same for you. My sermon will be “Fresh Eyes Perspective on The Greatness of God’s Love,” based on “Ephesians 1:3-8a.”