This Sunday is the Seventh of July, Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and three days after America’s observance of Independence Day.
The assigned text is from II Corinthians 12 and is an interesting passage from the writings of St. Paul that he wrote at a vulnerable time in his life. He learned that the church in Corinth was struggling, and so he wrote to them instructions to help them preserve and strengthen the unity of that local body of Followers of the Way. However, in Paul’s highly educated way, he uses some terms that probably left the average person scratching their head to know to whom he is referring and to what he means. In the text Paul used the term “the third Heaven” and “a thorn in the flesh.”
While most of us have heard of the term “thorn in the flesh,” that passage has often been misinterpreted and misused by preachers. And what is “the third Heaven?” Doing a little research this week made both terms much easier for me to understand and gave me a “Fresh Eyes Perspective on A Thorn in the Flesh,” and what that means for our journey toward wholeness in 2024.
So, join us this week for worship either in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube and maybe it will also help you on your journey to wholeness. My sermon will be “Fresh Eyes Perspective on A Thorn in the Flesh,” based on “II Corinthians 12:2-10.”