This Sunday is the Second Sunday After Pentecost; but it is also the first Sunday of Pride Month here in Central Alabama.
Had I chosen the assigned scripture for the first Sunday of Pride Month I could not have done any better than I Samuel 3 and Psalms 139. Psalm 139 speaks of the wonderful affirmation that each of us are made awesomely and wonderfully by God. I Samuel 3 has a wonderful phrase that can encourage us in living our lives in the faith and hope of knowing God still has a wonderful plan for each of us yet, no matter our age, life situations or circumstances.
In describing the elderly priest Eli’s health challenges with his eyes, the writer of I Samuel used an incredible phrase that we should take as encouragement to live our lives in the fullness of being made awesomely and wonderfully by our Divine Creator. It simply says, “the lamp of God has not yet gone out.”
Join us this first Sunday of Pride Month, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube. I will further explore this wonderful news this phrase speaks to us for today in my sermon “The Light of God Has NOT YET Gone Out in You,” based on “I Samuel 3:1-3” and “Psalm 139:13-16.”