This Sunday is Trinity Sunday; the Sunday that celebrates the Christian doctrine of “God in Three persons.” This year it happens to fall on Sunday before Memorial Day, when America remembers and honors those who died in active military service is remembered. This is not to be confused simply honoring those who have served in the military. Those are remembered on November 11th, Veteran’s Day.
The assigned scriptures for this Trinity Sunday are familiar text, however, they don’t really speak to the observance of God in 3 persons. They simple speak to the greatness of God’s love for us, and the fact that we are children of God and joint heirs with Christ.
While many preachers will endeavor to explain the Trinity and why it’s an important doctrine of our Christian faith; I will choose to go in a different direction. I will share about “God the Creator who is for us; God the Human One (Jesus) who is with us; & God the Holy Spirit who lives with us, leading, guiding and directing. For me, The Trinity of “God in 3 Persons” demonstrates the remarkable height, length, breadth and depth the Divine Creator goes to point us toward and experience the wholeness (salvation) God wants us to have as we live our lives on earth. As part of the sermon, I will share an example of this in a “YouTube” clip that moved me and amplified this for me this past week. The people, the song and the message, sums up what I think best describes the Trinity.
So, join us at Covenant this Sunday before Memorial Day, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube. My sermon will be “The Trinity – God is For Me, With Me & Within Me,” based on “Romans 8:14-17” and “John 3:16-17.”