This Sunday is the “Third Sunday of Easter” or as some call the Season of Easter, “Eastertide.” The assigned Gospel text speaks of yet another appearance of Jesus after The Resurrection with His disciples. In reading all the assigned scriptures for this week, I mentally took note how they all emphasized our relationship with God and our fellowship with Christ. Each in its own way reflected the quasi-theme I have adopted for this year as “Our Journey to Wholeness.”
The assigned scriptures for this Sunday were a buffet of sermon nuggets & I struggled to narrow it down to just one reading for this Sunday. But in studying them this week, two themes merged:
1) We are God’s children; as I John 3:1 states so emphatically, “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are!”
2) God used Jesus’ resurrection as a new beginning for God’s Children, as reflected in Jesus’ appearance to the disciples and others after the resurrection in Luke 24 when Jesus says in verse 47, “… repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His Name to all nations.”
These two themes became one message for me. Easter is not just the day of the resurrection; it is the model for God’s children that we can experience resurrections (new beginnings) the entire season of our life’s “journey to wholeness.”
Join us in worship at Covenant this Sunday, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream, or YouTube. I will explore this in more depth in my sermon “Resurrection: A New Beginning for God’s Children,” based on “Luke 24:26b-48” with references from “Acts 3:12-19” & “I John 3:1-7.”