This Sunday will be “Palm Sunday.” In many Christian traditions not having separate Maundy Thursday and Good Friday observances, it will be observed as “Palm/Passion Sunday.” In doing so, while recognizing Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, with the people laying their cloaks before Him, waving Palm Branches and shouting “Blessed is The One Who comes in the name of The Lord;” the sermon often includes observing the Passion of Jesus during that first Holy Week. Thus, Palm/Passion Sunday becomes a day to observe the rejoicing of Palm Sunday through the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday in one service at the beginning of Holy Week.
However, since Covenant will participate in the 4 Birmingham, UCC churches Joint Maundy Thursday worship, this year at First Congregational Christian Church, and Covenant & Pilgrim’s Joint Good Friday Tenebrae Service here at the United Church Center; Covenant will be observing “Palm Sunday” as a stand-alone observance on our “Lenten 2024 Journey to Wholeness” as “A Day of Hope and Rejoicing.” With the advantage of hindsight, we will look at the hope and rejoicing evident that first Palm Sunday for encouragement we need to endure the challenges we face in 2024 to live as Easter People in a Good Friday world. The clue is found in why the people shouted “Blessed is The One who comes in the name of the LORD.” (Ps. 118:26 & John 12:13)
So, join us for worship this Palm Sunday, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream, and YouTube. Hear as the late Paul Harvey use to say, “the rest of the Story,” about “Palm Sunday: A Day of Hope and Rejoicing!” That’s my sermon title based on “Psalms 118:1-2, 25-27” and “John 12:23-26.”