This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday IN Lent. This week the Hebrew text from Exodus 20 is “The Ten Commandments.” It’s interesting they are paired with the event in John 2 of when Jesus got angry and His actions at seeing the use of the temple turned into a profit-making establishment where unsavory price gouging of those that could least afford it was taking place.
I find this pairing of scripture interesting because many church folks especially those in positions of power use Jesus’ anger in this situation as justification to be angry meanspirited and tyrannical, while passing draconian laws & making public policies that are the very opposite of why Jesus was angry and what Jesus came to do: bring good news to the poor, bring freedom for prisoners, and set the oppressed free.
Last week, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker, quoted scripture in a “court” decision. That very decision caused IVF clinics to halt the efforts to help couples trying to get pregnant using IVF for fear of the repercussions of the Court’s decision “defining frozen embryos as children.” Also, several states have attempted to pass laws requiring the prominent displaying of the 10 commandments in schools as the Texas Senate did last week.
In John 2, Jesus got angry, but His anger was never in the effort to dominate, demonize, or disenfranchise the poor, the vulnerable or the marginalized. It is most disturbing that the anger and vitriol that fuel support of such measures come from folks proudly proclaiming their “Christianity.” It is an “abomination” to use the 10 commandments as a pawn in such efforts as they were just the longer version of the greatest 2 commandments identified by Jesus of “loving God and loving others.”
Join us for worship this Sunday, in-person, by Zoom, Facebook Livestream, or YouTube, when I will demonstrate as my sermon title indicates: “The Big 10: Just A Longer Version of The Greatest Two!” based on “Exodus 20:1-17.”