This Sunday is the “First Sunday of Kingdomtide.” At Covenant, we observe this newest of the liturgical seasons as a means of breaking up the 25-27 weeks of the liturgical season of “Sundays after Pentecost” or as some call it, “Ordinary Time.” However, “Kingdomtide” is not a liturgical season commonly observed in most churches. The main emphasis of Kingdomtide is reaching out and helping others as our Covenant Vision Statement says, “Offering Hope.” This hope should be offered in two ways, physically through acts of charity, and spiritually & emotionally through hope when others are facing what seems to be overwhelming hopeless life situations.
In last Sunday’s sermon, I spoke of two gifts of God found in Romans 11, verses 2 and 29. The first gift was knowing that no matter what, “God has not rejected you.” The second gift was coming to realize that “the calling of God on your life and the gifts God has given you will never be revoked by God!” In lieu of discovering these 2 gifts, I asked: Now that you know that “What’s Next?” What are you going to do with those gifts? How are you going to make a positive difference using those gifts?”
Verses in John chapter 1 give us a clue as to one of the things that should be next for all of us. We see it in verses 41a & 42a, the actions of one of Jesus’ first disciples/followers, Andrew, when he realized who Jesus was and what that meant for his life. It says, “The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother, Peter, and tell him, “We have found the Messiah!” … “Andrew brought his brother to Jesus.”
Join us for worship this Sunday, either in-person, Zoom, Facebook Livestream or YouTube. I will be sharing how this can impact us as individuals, our church, and our community in my sermon, “MAKING A DIFFERNCE – COVENANT’S PROJECT ANDREW!” based on “John 1:35-42.”