Sunday is the Second Sunday After the Epiphany; the Sunday before the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Dr. King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement. It’s the only Federal Holiday that just doesn’t give folks a day off from work; but ask them to do something that helps someone else and also moves America towards becoming a more just society.
John 1, the assigned gospel text, has a scene where Jesus is passing by and John the Baptist comments, “Look here is the Lamb of God.” (v.36) Then it says, “The two disciples heard (John) say this, and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following, (Jesus) said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to (Jesus), “Teacher” …, “where are you staying?” (Jesus) said to them, “Come and see.” (vs.37-39)
Much commentary has been written about Jesus’ 3 words “Come and See.” There is “Come and See” non-profit Foundation that make the claim they “will provide an accurate representation of Jesus as described in Scripture, … will show the gospel in a fresh way that creates real connection.” I haven’t had a chance to really research their claim; but I do know that Jesus’ invitation to “Come and See” was accepted. History records the results as an invitation that made a difference in their lives and their lives made a difference in this world.
“Come and see,” is an invitation Jesus still offers each of us today. It’s our choice whether we accept this invitation. But if we do, it will change our lives; and our lives will make a difference in the world around us. This Sunday I will share an example of how it happened in the life of someone who attends Covenant.
Join us for worship in person, by Zoom, or Facebook Livestream, or catch it later on YouTube. My sermon will be “Come and See” based on “John 1:29-42.”