This Sunday is known as either “Holy Family Sunday,” or a rarity, the “’Second’ Sunday of Christmastide.” Most folks think by January 1st the Christmas Season is over; but it ends on January 6th, the day we observe, “The Epiphany of Our Lord.” Sunday is also the first day of 2023. So Happy New Years!
The assigned text from the Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything there is a season…” then, it lists 14 contrasts to emphasize that point. A pandemic named COVID has caused us to deal with major changes, challenges and adverse impacts to our lives and ways of living these past few years. It has caused us to change and alternate so many things that we often find ourselves only reacting to what comes at us. It has left us with little time for planning and implementing a plan for purposeful living. This has been understandable under the circumstances.
However, since there is “a time for everything,” let us as people of faith deliberately and intentionally do the things necessary in “Making 2023 Our Time.” This Sunday I’m going to be talking about ways to help us do just that. Let me give you a heads up on one of those ways. For example, whatever pain you have gathered in your life along the way, whether it was in 2022 or before, try “Making 2023 Your Time” by “Transforming Your Pain; do not transmit it.” I’ll speak more about that on Sunday.
Another contrast is that since many have been attending worship online, why not contrast that by attending in person this first Sunday of the 2023. If not, you can still worship with us by Zoom, Facebook Livestream, or catch us on YouTube. My sermon title is “A Time for Everything -Making 2023 Our Time,” based on “Ecclesiastes 3:1-13.”