Sunday is Christmas Day. We at Covenant will not be having in-person worship, but I invite you to tune in by social media for a brief homily by me and special music sung by Paul Odom, should your schedule allow.
I haven’t really felt really Christmassy since my Mom died, in 1990. And at this age I don’t do a lot of shopping for Christmas presents anymore. The only real presents I give are to Ari-ella, my 5-year-old great niece and Goddaughter. Any others get cash. (Or should I say, mostly “cash app.”) That seems to be fine as there are no complaints about the color or size. But that is not to say I don’t have a Christmas list. It’s just that these days as a pastor, my Christmas list is more like the one Natalie Cole sang about composed in 1990 (the year my Mom died,) by David Foster (music) and Linda Thompson (lyrics.)
Here are the things I’d like for Christmas from the song
“My Grown-Up Christmas List.
“No more lives torn apart
And wars will never start
And time will heal all hearts.Everyone will have a friend
And right will always win
And love will never end.(At this stage of my life)
This is my lifelong dream,
My Grown-up Christmas List.”
My hope and my prayer is each of you will have a Very Safe, Blessed and Merry Christmas. I hope you will join us in-person or by Zoom or Facebook Livestream, the following Sunday for New Year Days Worship, January 1, 2023.