OCTOBER 23, 2022
This Sunday is the 9th Sunday of Kingdomtide. However, at Covenant we will observe it as “Pink Sunday” in observance of “Breast Cancer Awareness.” Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness is personal with me, as it was the main contributor to my Mother, James Ella Reid Finney’s death after over a 4 year battle with the disease.
The lectionary assigned gospel text from Luke 18 is about 2 men. It says absolutely nothing remotely about breast cancer. Rather, it speaks to a lesson one learns from listening to the prayers by these 2 men. In listening to those prayers, Jesus makes clear the importance of “Keeping It Real.”
“Keeping It Real” was a lifeline that brought hope and comfort to my Mom as she faced the years of her life after hearing those words, “You have cancer.” “Keeping It Real” allowed her and will allow us the vulnerability of being open to God’s presence in our lives. Knowing God is present with us brings much needed comfort and hope as we face difficult challenges such as breast cancer. The man who simply prayed, “God, show mercy to me, a sinner;” received such a lifeline as did my Mama.
After all, in the passage, Jesus said, “I tell you, this person went down to his home justified, rather than the Pharisee. All who lift themselves up will be brought low, and those who make themselves low will be lifted up.” What Jesus speaks to as making yourself low, means making oneself vulnerable and open to God’s presence in your life. That’s “Keeping It Real!”
Join us for worship this Pink Sunday, in-person, by Zoom or Facebook Livestream. We will observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a special litany as I will also be preaching a sermon called “Keeping it Real,” based on “Luke 18:9-14.”