This Sunday is the first Sunday of Kingdomtide, the newest liturgical season. Scriptures during Kingdomtide emphasized living out the second greatest commandments. In the assigned text from Hebrews 13, it emphasizes hospitality to strangers, remembering those in prison, as well as those marginalized and mistreated.
We have no idea who wrote Hebrews. Even though the end of the book names some of Paul’s associates, the author doesn’t think or write anything like Paul. It’s often called a letter (Epistle) but it doesn’t start like a letter. Some people think it was a sermon; an exceptionally long sermon at that.
If it is a sermon, then the preacher is winding up by the assigned text from Chapter 13. They were almost to the closing hymn so they could race to get in line at the restaurant. “The preacher” started the sermon with what Jesus called one of the two greatest commandments, that we love one another. We can never hear that too often in church, especially these days. Love sustains us individually. Mutual love sustains a congregation together as we offer each other hugs, kind words to lift each other’s spirits, or keeps a grieving person among us from collapsing.
So, “the preacher” begins his closing by saying “Let mutual love continue.” Mutual love is intended to keep differences from becoming resentments. Mutual love is intended to bring reconciliations from divisions. Mutual love is intended to cause us to go the extra mile for each other. Mutual love is intended to create friendships between folks who have nothing in common. So, “the preacher” emphasized “Let Mutual Love Continue.”
Join us in worship this week at Covenant, in-person, by Zoom or Facebook Livestream. On this first Sunday of Kingdomtide, I’m going to be “the preacher” emphasizing, “Let Mutual Love Continue,” based on Hebrews 13:1-8, 15 & 16.”