Sunday is Pridefest here in Central Alabama. We encourage you to join our community at Linn Park for the festivities.
Sunday is also Trinity Sunday. Christians around the world will take time to consider the mystery of God as 3-in-1 — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. For too many, today is a day many preachers get caught up in the details of doctrines trying to get folks to think about and understand who or what God is.
John Wesley once said, “Show me a worm that can comprehend a human being, & then I will show you a human being that can comprehend the Triune God.” Luther’s comment was even more to the point. “To try to comprehend the Trinity endangers your sanity.” I tend to agree with Justo Gonzalez who once said, “Trinity is a mystery, not a puzzle. You try to solve a puzzle, but you simple stand in awe before a mystery.”
It’s a mystery that I will use Psalms 8 and the 3-way light bulb to help us better understand. In most of the lamps in my home, I have a 3-way light bulb. One light bulb could be switched on to three distinct levels of intensity, changing the amount of light it cast over a room. If you want to read: click the bulb up to 150 watts. If you want light for just sitting around & talking with folks: then you click it down to 100 watts. It you want to set lighting for an intimate mood; you click it down to 50 watts. One light bulb, but three different experiences of the light it produced.
Each part of the Trinity reveals a degree of intensity of the greatness of God’s love. So, join us IN-PERSON, by Facebook Livestream or Zoom. My sermon is “The Trinity Reveals the Greatness of God’s Love,” based on “Psalms 8.”