This Sunday is the first Sunday of Pride Month. We encourage you to attend and support activities of interest during Central Alabama’s Pride observances.
This Sunday is also Pentecost Sunday, the Birthday of the Christian Church. On the date of its birth, there were 3000 new converts/members of the church. On this Sunday we will add a couple more with the reception of new members.
I grew up in a Pentecostal Holiness Church with very lively, spirit-filled worship services. On Pentecost Sunday it seems those services were even livelier. I loved such services growing up and still love them now. However, my view of being a Pentecostal has modified greatly.
When it comes to describing someone as a Pentecostal, the description almost always speaks totally about their style of worship and how they response in worship. I understand that because mostly people are taking their views of being a Pentecostal from the events that happened on that first Pentecost Sunday after Jesus’s Ascension,
I think a more adequate definition of whether a person is a Pentecostal is revealed in how they live their lives. After all, Jesus says in John 14, that when the Advocate or Comforter (Holy Spirit) comes, The Spirit will teach, lead, guide and direct us in all things. And in Acts 1, Jesus’ last words to the disciples before His ascension was “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses of Me…” Being a Pentecostal is not just about how you worship; it’s about how you live out your faith.
Join us for worship this Pentecost Sunday, in-person, by Zoom or Facebook Livestream, or catch it on YouTube later. I will be exploring in my sermon the question “Are You a Pentecostal?” based on “Acts 2:1-8, 11b-18 & 21.”