This Sunday is the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany and the day before Valentine’s Day. My commitment to utilize the assigned lectionary texts whatever they are during this series was challenged this week as I sought to tie them to “The Ways of Steadfast Love,” or for that matter the kind of love we think of when it comes to “Valentine’s Day.”
But I stuck with them anyway. Doing so reminded me that God sticking with us in the challenging times is what God does with God’s steadfast love for us and toward us. And it is what we are called to do when we are challenged by folks in our lives that test our patience, get on our nerves or for whatever reason we just don’t like. We are called to “Love Them Anyway.”
Since Valentines is a season of Love, I want to use this opportunity to share a poem I have adapted about “God’s Valentine Gift.”
God’s Valentine gift to us was not a bunch of flowers;
It was not candy, or a book, to while away the hours. God’s gift was a person, Jesus, who would freely give His sacrificial love for us, so you and I could live. God gave us sweet invitation, along with Instruction, good and true– To love our Savior with all we’ve got; but our friends and enemies, too. So as we give out our Valentines, let’s thank God for the Love Christ brings;For the reason we have love to give – Is because Jesus gave everything.
From Covenant, Happy Valentine’s Day! And join us as we return to in-person worship this Sunday. We will also continue with my sermon series with “Part 5: My Valentine Or: No… Sunshine! But Love Anyway!” Based on Psalms 1:1-3, and Luke 6:17-26.