This Sunday we began a new season and the new liturgical church year. Advent is the period marking the four Sundays before Christmas. This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent in which theme is HOPE.
Advent comes from the Latin word “Adventus” which means “coming or arrival.” In ancient Rome, Adventus was the technical term for the “glorious entry” of an emperor into his capital city. So, Advent is a most fitting word to describe this period leading up to Christmas; celebrating the coming of our Sovereign and ‘spiritual’ emperor, one who is fully human and fully divine (into the capital city of each of our hearts). The Christian church drives this point home for us in the Reign of Christ the Sunday right before the start of Advent. So Christians use the four Sundays of Advent, and weeks between them, to prepare and remember the meaning of Christmas.
On this First Sunday of Advent, we find ourselves preparing for Hope. Christians are encouraged to do penance in anticipation of Christ’s coming. As sinners, we need to do penance for our sins, and once we have done so, we will again experience the hope in the promise of salvation. Perhaps, it is time to view this differently. The reality is that Jesus has already been born, 2000 years ago. Also, God has already forgiven us. Through confession, we acknowledge that God desires for us to accept that forgiveness and live in the hope that only God can give. Therefore, we need to look to Advent as a reminder that as we observe this First Sunday of Advent, with anticipation, we are “Preparing for Hope” to be renewed by the love, forgiveness and salvation God has already provided.
Join Covenant for worship this Sunday, (in person, by Zoom or Facebook Livestream) as we seek to renew the hope of God with us. My sermon will be “PREPARING FOR HOPE” based on “Luke 21:25-36.”