This will be the Third Sunday in Lent. The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter (Resurrection) through prayer, penance, helping of others in need, and simple living through self-denial. It is also the first Sunday of Women’s History Month; dedicated to reflecting on the often-overlooked contributions of women to American History.
The question is often asked:, “Why do we need Women’s History Month, Black History Month, Latin History Month etc.?” It’s because the dominant culture in a society celebrates their culture every day in privileges (seen and unseen) in which most often they don’t even notice. Not so with those who by culture, gender, sex differing sexual orientation and identify or otherwise are not so privileged.
Therefore, there are times when society needs someone or something to get our attention. People often get stuck in the rut of their privilege and thinking without recognizing the emotional, spiritual, and physical damage it does to others in society, especially those Jesus identified as “the least of the these.” The only way to become aware and get out of such rut is being shaken up to these issues.
That’s the purpose of Lent and observances like Women’s History Month. In the assigned texts for this week from Exodus 20 and John 2, God and Jesus seek to shake us up living a life of faithfulness. To do so, God gives us through Moses the 10 Commandments and through Jesus a message on proper use of God’s house (the physical edifice but also the emotional and spiritual. In both instances, the message is clear. Lent seeks to shake us up to the need of “Blending Body and Soul.” In doing so, we will be guided in living out the greatest 2 commandments.
Join us at Covenant for worship this Sunday. If possible, join us by Zoom and stay after for conversation with our church family. If not, you can also join us for worship through Facebook Live Stream. My sermon will be “Lent – Blending Body and Soul,” based on Exodus 20:1-17 and John 2:13-22.