Today is the First Sunday “IN Lent.” Counting the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter you will discover there are 46 days, not 40. That’s because Sundays are considered Feast Days and not part “OF” Lent. Thus, the Sundays IN Lent.
This year the First Sunday IN Lent occurs on a most important day for us at Covenant; our 40th Anniversary. Following social distancing protocols during this pandemic; means no in-person celebration with special events such as a banquet, special speaker, and dinner on the grounds. That type of celebrating is being postponed until a later date this year (we hope.) However, this Sunday, we will observe this special occasion through our worship virtually and through social media.
The # 40 shows up prominent this Sunday, on our 40 Anniversary. Lent is the spiritual 40-day journey many Christians observe before Easter. The assigned Hebrew text from Genesis 9 speaks of a covenant God made with humanity following destructive 40 days and nights of rain. The assigned Gospel text speaks of Jesus’ 40 days and nights wilderness experience of fasting and being tempted.
In the Bible, 40 was meant to represent a time frame that was “long enough.” 40 days and nights of rain was long enough. 40 years of wandering in the wilderness in search of the promise land was long enough. 40 days and night of fasting and being tempted in the wilderness was long enough.
But Covenant’s 40 years of being “An inclusive community of faith – Offering Hope + Showing Faithfulness + Sharing Joy” is not long enough! Therefore, as we observe this 2021 First Sunday in Lent, on the same day as we observe our Covenant Anniversary, we proudly proclaim that “Forty is Not Long Enough.”
Join us at Covenant as we observe this wonderful occasion in the life of our church this Sunday at 11:30 AM by Zoom or Facebook Live. My sermon title is “Forty is Not Long Enough” based on “Genesis 9:8-17” and “Mark 1:9-15.”