NOTE FROM PASTOR (by Deacon Jamie Grimes this week)
This Sunday is the Sunday right after Christmas. The theme is still focused on the birth of Christ and its meaning for our lives, also considering that this is the last Sunday worship service for Covenant for 2020. Some say Christmas is over, but for us, we usually leave decorations up until Epiphany, celebrated the first Sunday of January for convenience, but actually occurring on Jan. 6. For me, Christmas is far too important to limit to one day. I invite us to think about what it means as we end one year and begin a new one.
I usually have a hard time coming up with a sermon title. I thought about continuing Pastor J.R.’s theme and calling it “SURPRISE! YOUR TURN,” because Christmas Day is often the end of the giving and receiving of gifts. A lot of planning and effort has typically come to fruition and some are tired! But guess what? God says, “it’s your turn!” After you take a break, if needed, there’s more to do. But it’s good, and it’s rewarding, in case that helps.
We’ve talked about hope, peace, joy, and love. Those are all still relevant during and after Christmas. But after we celebrate all that, then what? That’s what we need to look at this Sunday. Who are we? Whose are we? You know the answer, but the Scriptures this Sunday have messages worth repeating, and you may not have heard it all before. I found out something new, or at least something I haven’t heard in a while, as I was preparing. And Scriptures offer us plenty of encouragement. It’s exciting, and uplifting, and inspiring, as God’s invitations typically are.
Join us for worship this last Sunday of 2020, by Zoom or Facebook Livestream at 11:30 A.M. as we celebrate the Sunday after Christmas as “YOUR TURN!” That is my sermon title, based on Galatians 4:4-7 and John 1:1-5, 9-14.