Sunday we observe Trinity Sunday, the day commemorates the Trinity: “Father, Son and Holy Ghost,” or more inclusively, “Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit.” It is commemorated on the 8th Sunday after Easter. Since Pentecost falls on the 7th Sunday after Easter, Trinity Sunday always follows Pentecost Sunday.
On this day, most preachers following the liturgical calendar feel obligated to try to explain the oneness of God in 3 persons, using a term not found in scripture, The Trinity. I feel no such obligation since, The Trinity is not an attempt to explain God; but rather, it only explains the 3 major manifestations of how God has revealed God’s Self to humanity.
Psalm 8:4 asks this question, “What are human beings that You are mindful of them, mortals that You care for them? … Perhaps the following helps us to understand the doctrine of the Trinity. “God the Father/Creator who is for us, God the Son, God in the flesh who was with us, and God the Holy Spirit who is within us.” Notice the ending of each manifestation. “GOD IS FOR US, WITH US, AND WITHIN US.”
This concept of the Trinity answers the question of Psalm 8:4. Because of God’s great unconditional love for us as God’s children (creation) and keeping God’s promise to never leave us; the 3 manifestations of “Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit” are simply trying to convey a simple message that God is always ‘WITH US’.”
While the Trinity emphasizes the oneness of God, the Epistle and Gospel assigned text this week emphasize God’s desire for us to be one with God and one with each other. Considering the events of the last couple of weeks, they speak to us powerfully and importantly on this Trinity Sunday in requesting God to “Make Us One.”
Join us at Covenant this Trinity Sunday by Zoom or by live stream on our Facebook page. My sermon is “Make Us One,” based on Psalm 8, II Corinthians 13:11-13 and Matthew 28:16-20.