This year Easter will be so different than any other. At Covenant it means by social distancing, there will be no gathering together with our “Family of Faith for sunrise services, Easter Breakfast, and Celebration of the Resurrection.” One person summed it up for most of us with “Rona, Rona, go away; and do NOT come back another day!”
Let’s not lose hope because we cannot observe and celebrate Easter the way we have in the past. Let’s remember that Easter itself is a celebration of the resurrection of hope. The apostles thought all they had hope for in Jesus died on the Cross on Good Friday. So, when some ladies discovered differently early Easter morning and told the disciples; they just couldn’t believe it. “Now it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told this to the apostles, But these words seemed to them an idle talk, and they did not believe them.” (Luke 24:10-11)
Often, our response to the resurrection of hope is the same as theirs… disbelief. I was talking on the phone to a friend this week who, like I, had taken the COVID 19 test out of abundance of the caution by his doctor. With the symptoms he was experiencing he found it hard to believe that he didn’t have the Coronavirus.
Circumstances we are facing with this pandemic can make one lose hope and not believe in the resurrection of hope. As Easter People in a Good Friday world, let’s believe in the Resurrection of Hope. Luke 24:12, “But Peter got up and ran to the tomb, stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; then he went home, amazed at what had happened.”
Yes, Easter will be different this year, but like Peter, let’s do run to our faith and do what it takes to discover with amazement this Easter: Of the Resurrection of Hope.
And join us at Covenant this Easter Sunday morning at 11:30 AM by ZOOM. My sermon is “Easter: The Celebrating the Resurrection of Hope” based on Acts 10:34-43 and Luke 24:1-12.