This Sunday is the Third Sunday After the Epiphany. The assigned scriptures for January lent themselves to becoming a 4-part sermon series. The first 3 parts included “The Light; A New Beginning; and Now What?”
This week’s texts seek to help us overcome the #1 reason most people have for not fulfilling God’s purpose and call for their lives … fear; by telling us there’s “Nothing to be afraid of.” Psalm 27:1 says, “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Should I fear anyone? The Lord is a fortress protecting my life. Should I be frightened by anything?”
In ancient times there were two kinds of light; the sun and the lamp. The sun was brilliant, unable to be stared at, and like God, gives light, warmth, life and highlights beauty. When it got dark in biblical times, they lit simple pottery lamps, with a single wick and flame, casting just enough light to see a short way ahead.
Walking in a daily relationship with God should be like walking in the sun as it gives light to our lives in purpose and gives warmth and beauty in living. But we fear the darkness of not always feeling the presence of God. It’s then that we need to know that “God’s word is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path.” If we follow God’s will, we may not know what the road will look like more than a few miles or years; but God gives us enough pottery lamp’s worthy of light, to take more steps by faith.
So, the scriptures this week encourage of us to trust God with that kind of light, knowing God is with us and we are not alone. That small flicker of God’s lamp light banishes the darkness, and there’s “Nothing to Be Afraid Of.”
Join in worship this Sunday. My sermon is “Now What Continues … Nothing to be Afraid Of” based on Isaiah 9:1-3, Psalms 27:1, 4-7 and Matthew 4:12-23.