This first Sunday of October brings several observances. Liturgically, it’s the Seventh Sunday of Kingdomtide. It is likewise the first Sunday of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, World Communion Sunday; and the beginning of our annual Covenant Stewardship Campaign.
During Kingdomtide, the scriptures emphasize the Kingdom of God at work in the world through the church’s ministry, good works and its member’s faithfulness in taking the message of God’s unconditional love to the world. So, it’s appropriate that we observe World Communion Day during this season. And, it’s also the reason most church stewardship campaigns take place and are conducted in this season.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is particularly personal with me because my Mom died from Breast Cancer nearly 30 years ago after a difficult and long fight against this terrible disease. The loss was devastating, but I still remember how throughout that entire ordeal, she was always confident in God’s faithfulness and love. And she was always faithful in her support of God’s work through her church.
I was visiting with them on the first Sunday in October 1989, four months before her death. That morning Mom handed me two checks and told me to take them to the church for her and Daddy. As I hand them to the Church Financial Secretary, Ruby Fultz, she commented; “It’s amazing that no matter what, your parents make sure their tithes are always here on the first Sunday of the month.”
I think I still remember so clearly that precious incident because it’s so reflective of lessons Mama modeled for us. We see the first lesson in the assigned text for this week, remembering God’s Great Faithfulness to us. Secondly, it reminds me to reflect on “What Shall I Bring” to help others discover God’s unconditional love.
Join us in worship at Covenant on this Sunday of multiple observances. My sermon will be “Great is Your Faithfulness: But What Shall We Bring” based on “Lamentations 3:21-24” and “Luke 17:5-6”