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Today is PRIDEFEST and this is Pride Month in Central Alabama. To observe the occasion, I’m preaching a 4 Part Pride Series called “Unshakeable Assurances,” based on Romans 8:31-39. We can best observe Pride Month and every day by living out the Unshakeable Assurance that God gave us lives to be lived open and fully in every way, including orientationally.

This Sunday, “Unshakable Assurances, Part 2” is based on Romans 8:32 which says, “He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things.” This verse is often misunderstood by those preaching a prosperity gospel and those whose preaching does NOT include God’s unconditional love.

As such, one of the biggest fears that many of us face in life is the fear of the lack of provision. Often, we’ve believed and trusted God for our “salvation;” but we continue to live with this feeling of uncertainty that God’s not going to provide for my needs. To address this feeling that existed even among the earliest Christians along with addressing the question of God’s ultimate purpose for our lives, Paul offers this: “If God gave the incredible gift of God’s only Son; why would you think God would NOT give you freely all things, you need?”

An “Unshakeable Assurance” is that “God Will Give To Us.” Let’s take The Divine at God’s word and live in expectation that God will give us “ALL THINGS.”

Join us this Sunday as I continue with Part 2. I’ll be sharing what “ALL THINGS” mean and what we need to GIVE to the Divine to make this become a reality for our lives.

Then let’s join our community at Sloss Furnaces for PRIDEFEST where Covenant will have a presence and our Music Ministry will participate in the festivities. Invite people you meet and those you already know to join us the following Sunday, June 17th, for worship and a cookout.

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