This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday IN Lent. It’s also called Pink Sunday because the liturgical color changes from Purple to Pink or Rose.

This Sunday is also known by two other names. It’s often known as “Good Shepherd Sunday” as often the assigned scriptures include Psalm 23 (The Lord Is My Shepherd) and/or John 10 (The Good Shepherd). This year neither of those two are assigned.

Another name this Sunday is known by is “Laetare Sunday.” Laetare is a Latin word meaning “to rejoice.” Laetare Sunday is meant to be a day of relaxation and rejoicing from the normal rigors associated with Lent that may include fasting, abstention from the consumption of meat or other pleasures.

The 40 days of Lent are intended as a journey of spiritual reflection, recalling Jesus; time of fasting 40 days in the wilderness and temptations by Satan in areas of provision, privilege and power. And of course, we are to observe the events of that first Holy Week culminating on Good Friday with His Crucifixion. Therefore, we tend to think of Lent as a period of austerity and somberness. However, the Sundays IN Lent are intended to be spiritual pressure release values from all of that; a time of rejoicing.

Laetare Sunday is meant to be a day of hope when Easter at last is within sight. Knowing that Good Friday is not the end of the story and resurrection came on Sunday morning; this year, my Sunday sermon emphasis is on encouraging us to make our 2019 Lenten Journey a season of rejoicing and hope. I have concentrated on those assigned sacred texts that speak of the God’s steadfast love. My hope is that we as Easter people, will enjoy the journey knowing that resurrection is already a reality in our lives.

Join us at Covenant in worship on this Laetare/Pink Sunday. The next message in Lenten Sunday Series is “God’s Steadfast Love Surrounds Us,” based on Psalm 32 and II Corinthians 5:16-21

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