This coming Sunday is the Fifth Sunday of Easter.  After a 3-week hiatus, the Note from Pastor J R returns and I’m back also. I want to say Thank You for every card, call, text, or Facebook post communicating your love and support during the passing of my sister, Lula, and 2 other cousins during April.   

          Thrust into leading my family through a very difficult time while grieving deeply myself, I’m grateful for my faith.  Not a faith where I have checked the boxes to be “saved;” but a faith with an abiding ongoing, relationship with God, in fellowship with Jesus Christ.  It’s a faith in which God is still speaking to me in fresh ways.   

          The assigned Epistle text for this Sunday did so for me following Lula’s death.  I Peter 2:9, says: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of The One who called you out of darkness into God’s marvelous light.”   

          While I am still grieving her death and the void of her absence from my life, I’m grateful she has experienced the fullness of this text.  “God has called her from the darkness, life’s troubles and challenges, into God’s marvelous light of forever being presence with God and our loved ones that died before her.   

          The text also speaks to us who remain about the greatness of God’s love and grace.  It reminds us in verse 10, “Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people, once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”  Simply put, “We are God’s People – The Chosen Ones!”  If we learn to live in the fullness of this declaration, we too will live in the fullness of God’s marvelous light. 

          So, join us at Covenant for worship this Sunday in-person, by Zoom or Facebook Livestream.  My sermon will be WE ARE GOD’S PEOPLE – THE CHOSEN ONES!”  It’s based on “I Peter 2:2-10.” 

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